Thursday, May 30, 2013

Songs Are Everywhere, Man

Quite often I'll write something, a line, whatever, or share a thought and someone says, "That could be a song!" Truly, you could write a song about anything but it helps when you're inspired to write by something. I keep a notebook for random thoughts and song ideas, among other things. At times songs take a long time to write. Others just arrive in a flash and that can be pretty exciting!

I came home from my JOB yesterday full of my usual set of confused thoughts and emotions. I had written down some lyrics based on one thought that came to mind: coffee drinking girl. Somehow it sounded like a blues tune in the way the words fit together. However, that's not the first song I wrote.

The first song I put down, and very quickly, I might add, came from the idea, "I'm through (with) giving my heart away." In my mind it's sung by a woman who feels like she's just convenient to somebody. It's not a personal song but just a concept that flew out of my brain and my guitar, full on country and full of attitude! I don't have that recorded for a demo yet but I'll be demo-ing some new stuff soon.

The first lyrics I wrote for the above song were

"She drinks hot coffee
She don't mess around
Get ready for a wild time 
When she blows into town

She's a pistol
That coffee drinking girl"

It flowed so easily and THAT made it fun. The demo above is rough but you get the song. 

Songs do come from everywhere. Some are more worth writing than others but the craft is not an easy one, if you care at all about it. I'm happy to be able to make music. It truly fulfills me in a way nothing else has to date.

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