It's been a bit since my last blog. After giving some consideration to recent information I've decided to try some new things and see how it goes!
Last week I was in Virginia Beach, VA playing music! Rick and Laura Spink were kind enough to open their home to a whole bunch of friends and we put on a concert! Rick and Laura own a business known as Built to Last Furniture. They have a wonderful home, two lovely Golden Retrievers and a great backyard. Unfortunately it was wet out but we made the most of it inside. Dan Hoy joined me on hand drums and the evening was quite a success!
Virginia Beach, if you haven't been there, is a lovely, sprawling community full of beautiful tree-lined avenues, tons of places to eat, drink and shop. If you haven't been there I highly recommend it not only for the incredible beach and boardwalk but the whole area is just lovely, no matter where you chill. The Navy has a huge presence there and not a day goes by that you don't see some jets pass over.
The day after the house concert we joined the a large group of Parrot Heads at AJ Gators for a pre-Buffett concert party. Jimmy was playing that evening at the Farm Bureau and the clubs had their combined tailgate at the restaurant. I know the Parrot Heads of the Old Dominion and the Parrot Heads of Tidewater were there. Performing for everyone's pleasure was David McKenney on guitar and vocals, Brad Brewer on sax and vocals, Jim Kiraly and Win Winslow. They played the majority of the time, whaling on some great party tunes! I got up to play a half hour break and was happy to have Jim and Win accompany me. I always love playing with others!
Afterwards I didn't go to the concert. Instead we headed over to Flip Flops Grill + Chill to play for the evening. This really cool establishment was featured on the show "Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives" on Food Network and for good reason! Great food, awesome atmosphere, cool bar. You should totally visit this place! My cousin, her hubby and in-laws surprised us by showing up! I want to thank Marissa and Rich Jordan for setting me up with the gig. Talk about some awesome friends!
After spending the night with our extended family we hit the road on Sunday to go back to the studio for a day of recording. Orca Sound Studio is located in Abingdon, MD. Kevin Johnston got everything all set up and played the songs he had been earnestly tracking with studio musicians and I was blown away by most of it. We spent the day hitting vocals for six of the songs and it was a great time. This Saturday we have four more songs to do. The final four! After that it's mixing and replication. There is a lot to do in the next two weeks. "Songs of Love & the Ocean" will be out mid August and I cannot wait! You can pre-order a copy on my website. Just look for the info down the right side. It takes you to a PayPal link where you can order the copy I will send through the mail to you signed!
So I hope you enjoyed my blog. Please let me know what you think, if you have any questions or thoughts.
Hearts and waves!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Songs Are Everywhere, Man
Quite often I'll write something, a line, whatever, or share a thought and someone says, "That could be a song!" Truly, you could write a song about anything but it helps when you're inspired to write by something. I keep a notebook for random thoughts and song ideas, among other things. At times songs take a long time to write. Others just arrive in a flash and that can be pretty exciting!
I came home from my JOB yesterday full of my usual set of confused thoughts and emotions. I had written down some lyrics based on one thought that came to mind: coffee drinking girl. Somehow it sounded like a blues tune in the way the words fit together. However, that's not the first song I wrote.
The first song I put down, and very quickly, I might add, came from the idea, "I'm through (with) giving my heart away." In my mind it's sung by a woman who feels like she's just convenient to somebody. It's not a personal song but just a concept that flew out of my brain and my guitar, full on country and full of attitude! I don't have that recorded for a demo yet but I'll be demo-ing some new stuff soon.
The first lyrics I wrote for the above song were
"She drinks hot coffee
She don't mess around
Get ready for a wild time
When she blows into town
She's a pistol
That coffee drinking girl"
It flowed so easily and THAT made it fun. The demo above is rough but you get the song.
Songs do come from everywhere. Some are more worth writing than others but the craft is not an easy one, if you care at all about it. I'm happy to be able to make music. It truly fulfills me in a way nothing else has to date.
I came home from my JOB yesterday full of my usual set of confused thoughts and emotions. I had written down some lyrics based on one thought that came to mind: coffee drinking girl. Somehow it sounded like a blues tune in the way the words fit together. However, that's not the first song I wrote.
The first song I put down, and very quickly, I might add, came from the idea, "I'm through (with) giving my heart away." In my mind it's sung by a woman who feels like she's just convenient to somebody. It's not a personal song but just a concept that flew out of my brain and my guitar, full on country and full of attitude! I don't have that recorded for a demo yet but I'll be demo-ing some new stuff soon.
The first lyrics I wrote for the above song were
"She drinks hot coffee
She don't mess around
Get ready for a wild time
When she blows into town
She's a pistol
That coffee drinking girl"
It flowed so easily and THAT made it fun. The demo above is rough but you get the song.
Songs do come from everywhere. Some are more worth writing than others but the craft is not an easy one, if you care at all about it. I'm happy to be able to make music. It truly fulfills me in a way nothing else has to date.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Sex and the Single CD
Cover your eyes, children!
"Songs of Love & the Ocean" has songs about escaping to the beach, listening to tropical music, making changes in your life, uncertainty and finding your true home. There is even a song about Hemingway's Porch! There are also some "sexy" songs on the CD. I made my producer blush a couple of times…
Let me preface this by saying that, just because I write a song, doesn't mean it really happened. That's what the imagination is for. You get an idea and a story comes along. That's why it's called "fiction." I write a lot from my imagination and well, sometimes my imagination goes in the rated R direction. Hell, I'm 45! I think I'm allowed!
I started writing "Whiskey Kisses" back during the making of "TropiGal." It occurred to me one day to think of the power of love being similar to the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
I think I'll call you Jim or Jack
The way you knock me on my back
When you kiss me
Your kisses work like whiskey…
It's a pure country song and will most likely have steel guitar and a honky tonk feel.
The words "I Like It Hot" popped into my mind one day. Well, this sounds like a great place for a double entrendre! The song has a Latin beat. It's about enjoying hot climates but it's Latin so there's a bit of sex appeal.
I like it hot
Underneath the sun
I like it hot
Warm air, having fun
I like it hot
On a beach somewhere
I like it hot
In the island air
I like to go down to Miami
To see the boys who look so tan
Moving to a Latin beat
Running wild out on the sand
Dancing late into the night
Beads of sweat roll down my face
Cool me down with a mojito
Take me to a higher place
"Why Did I Say Yes" is a song about giving into desire when you least expect it.
The way you make me feel inside
I guess I never knew
I’ve said, “no” so many times
Why did I say, “yes” to you?
Finally, there is "Last Day on the Island." The thought occurred to me on the last day in Key West during Meeting of the Minds 2012. Read back through my blog to find out more about that.
It had a melancholy feel and my mind leapt to the idea of the island as a lover or leaving a lover behind.
It’s the last day on the island
I wish it wasn’t true
My last day on the island
Last day on the island with you
This song is all minor sevenths and a Latin rhythm, adding to that sexy feel.
My second CD definitely has a more mature feel. The music and writing reflect a lot of thoughts, experiences, changes and observations from traveling as a songwriter. I sincerely hope you'll enjoy "Songs of Love & the Ocean."
As always, your feedback is welcome!
"Songs of Love & the Ocean" has songs about escaping to the beach, listening to tropical music, making changes in your life, uncertainty and finding your true home. There is even a song about Hemingway's Porch! There are also some "sexy" songs on the CD. I made my producer blush a couple of times…
Let me preface this by saying that, just because I write a song, doesn't mean it really happened. That's what the imagination is for. You get an idea and a story comes along. That's why it's called "fiction." I write a lot from my imagination and well, sometimes my imagination goes in the rated R direction. Hell, I'm 45! I think I'm allowed!
I started writing "Whiskey Kisses" back during the making of "TropiGal." It occurred to me one day to think of the power of love being similar to the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
I think I'll call you Jim or Jack
The way you knock me on my back
When you kiss me
Your kisses work like whiskey…
It's a pure country song and will most likely have steel guitar and a honky tonk feel.
The words "I Like It Hot" popped into my mind one day. Well, this sounds like a great place for a double entrendre! The song has a Latin beat. It's about enjoying hot climates but it's Latin so there's a bit of sex appeal.
I like it hot
Underneath the sun
I like it hot
Warm air, having fun
I like it hot
On a beach somewhere
I like it hot
In the island air
I like to go down to Miami
To see the boys who look so tan
Moving to a Latin beat
Running wild out on the sand
Dancing late into the night
Beads of sweat roll down my face
Cool me down with a mojito
Take me to a higher place
"Why Did I Say Yes" is a song about giving into desire when you least expect it.
The way you make me feel inside
I guess I never knew
I’ve said, “no” so many times
Why did I say, “yes” to you?
Finally, there is "Last Day on the Island." The thought occurred to me on the last day in Key West during Meeting of the Minds 2012. Read back through my blog to find out more about that.
It had a melancholy feel and my mind leapt to the idea of the island as a lover or leaving a lover behind.
It’s the last day on the island
I wish it wasn’t true
My last day on the island
Last day on the island with you
This song is all minor sevenths and a Latin rhythm, adding to that sexy feel.
My second CD definitely has a more mature feel. The music and writing reflect a lot of thoughts, experiences, changes and observations from traveling as a songwriter. I sincerely hope you'll enjoy "Songs of Love & the Ocean."
As always, your feedback is welcome!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Taking Note
I am grateful to my friend Brian Reineke for giving me the gift of a composition book and I'm also grateful to my mom for leaving me a pile of legal pads. Making notes, lists, writing down songs and song ideas, reminders and more all take place on these very necessary (to me) bound collections of lined paper. An assortment of started journals also litters my library shelves and nightstand at home. Steno pads are also favorites of mine because they are compact and I like that you can flip them around pretty easily.
When I was growing up, I frequently forgot to do homework, even though I did pretty well on school work and tests. The nuns (I was in Catholic school for a few years) made sure I took notes for my homework so I would remember what I needed to do, get it done, then check it off. Jokingly, when I had no assignments, I would write the word "nun" next to the class, i.e. history.
I like looking back through my notes, seeing what I've accomplished, what's been neglected, how songs got started, ideas that need to be fleshed out. Writing notes always keeps me moving forward as I learn what it is I need to do to keep my time organized so I have time to create. It's a good habit I'm glad I learned from some nuns!
When I was growing up, I frequently forgot to do homework, even though I did pretty well on school work and tests. The nuns (I was in Catholic school for a few years) made sure I took notes for my homework so I would remember what I needed to do, get it done, then check it off. Jokingly, when I had no assignments, I would write the word "nun" next to the class, i.e. history.
I like looking back through my notes, seeing what I've accomplished, what's been neglected, how songs got started, ideas that need to be fleshed out. Writing notes always keeps me moving forward as I learn what it is I need to do to keep my time organized so I have time to create. It's a good habit I'm glad I learned from some nuns!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Kickstart My Heart
I'm going to try to blog a little every day, keeping to the theme of what I'm up to plus random observations about life. If any of my readers have anything they want to hear about, throw in some comments and don't be afraid to subscribe!
I've decided to use the Kickstarter program to fund my CD. Last night I started the process of setting it up and creating rewards for those who contribute to the creation of "Songs of Love & the Ocean." When you choose an amount to help pay for the CD, you're basically getting an item or package of items in return. Starting at $15, the reward is a the new CD, signed! How's that for fun? The rest of the rewards include mp3s, stickers, limited edition pendants by J&J Glass Designs, tickets to my CD release parties and even original art! You can even have me come play at your house for a group of your friends. Once I have it all ready and it goes live, you'll see how the whole thing works and how much fun it is.
The CD production itself is going to cost me $4,000. That's the base amount I need for time in the studio to produce all ten songs. With added musician costs (guitar, bass,keyboard, harmonica, etc.), CD replication and other fees it will most likely be closer to $6500. I'm planning on raising the $4,000 with Kickstarter and anything above that will sure help out.
I've decided to use the Kickstarter program to fund my CD. Last night I started the process of setting it up and creating rewards for those who contribute to the creation of "Songs of Love & the Ocean." When you choose an amount to help pay for the CD, you're basically getting an item or package of items in return. Starting at $15, the reward is a the new CD, signed! How's that for fun? The rest of the rewards include mp3s, stickers, limited edition pendants by J&J Glass Designs, tickets to my CD release parties and even original art! You can even have me come play at your house for a group of your friends. Once I have it all ready and it goes live, you'll see how the whole thing works and how much fun it is.
The CD production itself is going to cost me $4,000. That's the base amount I need for time in the studio to produce all ten songs. With added musician costs (guitar, bass,keyboard, harmonica, etc.), CD replication and other fees it will most likely be closer to $6500. I'm planning on raising the $4,000 with Kickstarter and anything above that will sure help out.
The Kickstarter
project will go live the beginning of June and run for 30 days. Thanks in advance
for all your help and encouragement!
Hearts and waves,
crowd funding,
new CD
Monday, May 20, 2013
The New CD: Walking in the Rain in New Orleans
It was August. The event was Six String Music Invitational, a few days of music by singer songwriters from all over playing at The Funky Pirate & Tropical Isle with a focus on the songs and stories by each performer. But that's not what I'm writing about here. Check out the link at the bottom to find out more about Six String!
I had played the day before. It was Saturday and, unlike the deluge storm I experienced when I had arrived Thursday, that morning was mostly a steady rain. I had time to myself to look around, explore and shop so I journeyed out through the French Quarter to find some places I had visited back in 1995, 17 years ago.
I'm waiting to hear how my producer, Kevin Johnston, is approaching it. It will have a New Orleans feel, I'm sure, maybe some clarinet. Who knows?
Walking in the Rain in New Orleans
©2013 Danielle Hoy
Set my feet on Dumaine
As the rain begins to fall
Tourists seeking shelter
In cafes, bars and market stalls
Follow Chartes to Jackson Square
Under bead-strewn balconies
My destination is unknown
I’m only walking where I please
I’m not sure exactly what I’m doing here
All alone and thinking of you
I’m walking in the rain in New Orleans
A shapeless shifting shadow on the street
You’re not here and I fear
I’m not the person that I used to be
I wish this rain would wash my conscience clean
The bright flame in the night
In the daylight burns away
The vibrant dream I had
Has turned to ashes, dull and gray
I clutch at old memories
But my hands fill with ghosts
As I walk I can’t explain
Just what it is I miss the most
And that old Mississippi keeps rolling by
Restless and lonely like me
I’m walking in the rain in New Orleans
A shapeless shifting shadow on the street
You’re not here and I fear
My new life isn’t all that it should be
I wish this rain would wash my memory clean
Post Chorus
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
When that’s where you left your heart
And there’s one thing more
I miss the one I care for
More than I miss New Orleans
I’m walking in the rain in New Orleans
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